
Showing posts from February, 2019

Growing Dragon fruit from seeds - 2nd batch

6 Feb 2019: This time propagating on tissue paper first. Picked out 30 seeds from a dragon fruit. Left on open shelf outside balcony. (Bright area) 9 Feb 2019 3 days.. All except for 1 sprouted! Will wait a few more days before potting them. 11 Fen 2019: 29 seeds sprouted. Roots already stuck to paper towel. Damaged a couple of sprouted trying ti take it out.  Instead of breaking more roots, I ripped up the paper up and planted the sprouts with the paper towels attached.  29 little sprouts, hope they'll all grow well. 25 Feb 2019 Not doing well. More than half suddenly died off and disappeared! Could be due to a very hot sunny day.

Growing cherries from seeds- cold stractification

10 Jan 2019 Washed 5 cherry stones and placed in a ziplock bag of soil. Left in fridge to mimic cold. Will check in after a few months. 26 Feb 2016 - soil frozen in zipbag at back of fridge. Moved it to another part of the fridge. Hopefully will defrost.

Growing Cherries from seeds

6 Feb 2019 Cracked some cherry seeds/stone open  Potted in some seedling raising soil. Cover lightly and watered.  Wrapped with cling film and poked holes. Placed in a bright area. 26 Feb 2019 - no sign of growth.

Growing Perino Tomatoes from seed

10 Jan 2019: my friend told me I can slice up a tomato, take the rind/skin off and lay it on a bed of soil and scatter a light layer of soil over it. Water and let it grow! I did just that with store bought perino tomatoes. 16 Jan 2019: 3 tomato seedlings. 22 Jan 2019: More seedlings. 30 Jan 2019: no new seedling and 2 seedlings started drooping down. Decided to repot the healthy strong looking ones into little cups. And left some to see if they still survive. 5 Feb 2019: More seedlings sprouted from the original box! V And the ones in their own cups still looks ok. They have extra leaves. 27 Feb 2019 - seedlings are varied in sizes. Seems like depending on pot size. Some seedling died due to strong wind. Current location is indoor.

Growing Kensington Pride Mango from seed

10 Jan 2019: Potted 2 mango seeds in one pot. Husk removed before planting. KP mangoes are polyembryonic which is supposed to grow true to fruit and multiple seedlings will grow. 29 Jan 2019: 1 seed started to have one shoot. 5 February 2019: The 2 biggest seedlings are from the same seed. The smaller of them looks like 2 stalks have fused together.  The seed on the left has started to sprout too, but it also looks a bit strange unlike the biggest seedling. 27 Feb 2019 - have separated the 2 seeds a while back. One was left outdoor. The other indoor. And indoor seedling was doing much better. Moved the other indoor.  A fourth seedling is beginning to grow. Has 3 seedlings but 2 of them are joined at the bottom.

Growing Honey Gold Mango from seed - Closed

26 Jan 2019: Honey gold mango seeds are polyembryonic. Meaning one seed can produce multiple seedlings.  Read that only polyembryonic mangoes will grow true to the fruit. I removed the hard shell/husk before planting into some all purpose soil. Leaving a bit of seed exposed. 5 February 2019: No activity above soil. 25 Feb 2019 - unsuccessful, the seed rotted and had tiny maggots eating it! So scary. Disposed off.

Growing Valencia orange from seed - 2nd Batch

25 Jan 2019 - Since the first batch hasn't shown much activity, I decided to try another 4 seeds ( store bought organic Valencia oranges). With advices gathered from various websites to peel off the outer layer/shell of the seeds. This is suppose to help it sprout much faster. 5 Feb 2019 - no activity above soil. 27 Feb 209 - 3 seeds sprouted. The smallest seedling is a twin.

Growing lemons from seed

19 Jan 2019 - Potted 4 lemon seeds (Store bought Australian Lemons) directly into all purpose potting mix in individual pots.  The outer layer of the seeds were peeled off before planting. 5 February 2019 - 2 has sprouted. 27 Feb 2019. More leaves

Growing Black Beans - closed

25 Jan 2019: Potted 9 black beans in a small pot. This one: Within les than a week, all sprouted very quickly and the pot was 2 growed. I moved 6 of them to a large planter, 1 in a cup, 2 smallest in their original pot. 5 Feb 2019: Some of the beans I moved to the large planter is not doing so well.  Leaves drying up. Possible cause - disturbed them too much repotting, over watered yesterday due to hot day or very windy condition. Will continue to monitor. 20 Feb 2019... Dead... all seedlings just wilted. It could be too windy.  

Growing Dragon Fruit from seeds - 1st batch

Dragon fruits are cacti. The fruit has white flesh with seeds like a kiwi fruit. Day 1: 31 Jan 2019 - Picked out about 15/20 seeds and spread them on the soil (all purpose potting mix). And put it in a plastic bag. 5 Feb 2019 (5 Days) - 1 sprouted 9 Feb 2019 (9 Days).. some sprouts reached 1cm tall. 26 Feb 2019 - had around 10 sprouts for a while outdoors, then moved them indoors to avoid wind... and a few days later today i have more sprouts.  Picture is not so clear, but the light colour dots are mostly new seedlings.

Growing Valencia Orange From Seeds - 1st batch

Bought some very juicy organic oranges from store. Chose 3 plumb seeds from 2 oranges. Rinsed it under the tap and planted straight into some all purpose potting mix around late Dec 2018 (defo after Christmas). 3 weeks - nothing happened. 4 weeks - still nothing sprouted. So decided to dig them up to see if the seeds were bad. And surprise surprise the first seed I dug up (gently) had a root! Should have taken a picture.  Covered the seed up and left it alone. 4 weeks plus - 2 green stalks sprouted out from 1 of the seeds. 2 remained the same. 5 weeks - another seed sprouted with 2 stalks. Decided to pot the oranges into individual pots. 6 weeks (5 Feb 2019) - All 3 seeds sprouted. The last one to sprout only had 1 stalk!  Double stalks single stalk Note: citrus seeds are polyembryonic. So they can produce up to 7 seedlings in 1 seed. 22 Feb 2019 - separate the twins into their own pots. One pair given to a friend. Remaining twins Single

Growing red papaya from seeds

Propagating red papaya seeds from a store bought fruit. Day 1 - (30 Jan 2019) Ate a sweet red papaya. Washed 8 seeds and planted 2 seeds in each pot. Soil - all purpose potting mix. Day 7 - 1 week later ~ no action 26 Feb 2019 - not sprouting. Will wait another while then dig it out to check.